Editor / Referee / Reviewer

Served / serving on the Editorial Board and acted/ acting as a Referee/ Reviewer for various International Journals/ organizations.

  1. Editor, IJSI (International Journal for Sustainable Innovations), January, 2010-till date.
  2. Editor-in-Chief, SAVITARKA, an E-Magazine on Sustainable Development Issues, January, 2012-till date.
  3. Reviewer for Manuscript Ref. No.: JEPO-D-18-02376 (Title: Cambodia's Energy Poverty and Its Effects on Social Well-being: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications), for publication in “Energy Policy- an Elsevier Journal), October, 2018.
  4. Member, Reviewer’s Committee, International Association of Chemical, Biological & Medical Sciences Researchers (CBMSR), (www.cbmsr.org), 2017.
  5. Referee / Reviewer for Selection of Faculty Member at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, January 2017.
  6. Member, Editorial Board, BAMBOO – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BAMBOO AND RATTAN APPLICATIONS, Gutenberg International Journals, India, March, 2016.
  7. Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Business and Environmental Sustainability, Gutenberg International Journals, India, March, 2016.
  8. Submission Editor, IJLCA,December 2014, for Ms. No. JLCA-D-14-00349, A Review on Environment, Technologies, Methodologies and Issues with Stone and Marble Industry in Rajasthan, India, by Mr.Bhargav Prajwal Pathri et al. for The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.
  9. Editor, SAVITARKA, A Mass Awareness E-Magazine on Development Issues, January, 2012-till date.
  10. Submission Editor, for review and approve an article to international Journal,(IJLCA), A Springer Journal, invited by the Editor for manuscript JLCA-D-12-00014: Life-Cycle Assessment of fuel ethanol from sugarcane in Argentina, January, 2012.
  11. Reviewed an article on “Comparative analysis of the Danube River water quality in Serbia, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (An International Journal), July, 2011.
  12. Reviewed and article “Life Cycle Assessment of Sugar Mill in India By Using PCA and EIO Approach” for The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, July, 2011.
  13. Editor, IJSI (International Journal for Sustainable Innovations), January, 2010-till date.
  14. Co-editor, “Guidelines to Assess Sustainability of Biomass Utilisation in East Asia,” ERIA Research Project Report 2008 No.8-2, July 2009.
  15. Reviewed an article for Int. J. LCA “Life cycle assessment of natural gas power plants in Thailand” authored by Kamalaporn Phumpradab, Shabbir H. Gheewala and Masayuki Sagisaka, October, 2008.
  16. Reviewer for UNEP’s manual on “Developing a Country's Life Cycle Inventory Data for Background Processes, with a Focus on Energy Systems Using Available Statistics”, June, 2007.
  17. Reviewed an Article submitted to Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (An International Journal), June, 2007.
  18. Reviewer of UNEP’s Life Cycle Initiative - Phase Two Strategic Plan for 2007-2010, September, 2006.
  19. Referee for Int. J. of LCA, (Germany) for article “Environment Impact Assessment and its minimization in Mining and Beneficiation of Coal Using Life cycle Assessment Approach,” September 2006.
  20. Reviewed a book on “Introduction to Environmental Assessment of Products” (Authors: B. Weidema) for Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, April 2004.
  21. Reviewed an Article submitted to Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (An International Journal), Nov., 2003.
  22. Peer Reviewer, Philip Morris, E xxternal Research Program, USA, 2001- 2005.
  23. Member, Report Editing Committee, APEC/AIST/NEDO Symposium on LCA, JAPAN, 2000.
  24. Associate Editor, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Tokyo, Japan, 1998 – 2000.
  25. Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, Ecomed Publishers, Landsberg, Germany, 1999-till date.
  26. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996- till date.
  27. Peer Reviewer, Centre for Indoor Air Research, Maryland,(USA), 1995 – 2000.
  28. Member, Report Editing Committee, UNEP/APEC/AIST/NEDO Symposium on Life Cycle Analysis (JAPAN), 1998.
  29. Member, Critical Review Subcommittee, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), Energy and Environment Engineering Center, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV 89506, (USA), 1997.
  30. Member, Editorial Board, Indian Aerosol Science and Technology Association, Mumbai, India, 1994-96.
  31. Referee to several International Journals published from Europe and USA by well known Publishers like Pergamon Press, Academic Press, A&WMA and Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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